• The Zooby Animesh Baby was the first fully-animated, “virtual baby” that allowed users to experience being parents in a virtual environment.

  • Users could role play a life as adults; get married, start a family, and raise a child as if it was real.

  • Users formed strong, emotional attachments to their virtual baby.

Happiness Care

  • Using Heads-up Displays (Huds), users had the power to modify their babies features. This allowed infinite customization, making each baby special to its owner.

  • A Happiness Timer was incorporated into the Baby Hud. Users were then able to provide daily care by purchasing bottles, diapers, and wash.

  • We incorporated a monetization model that rewarded users when they cared for their baby.


  • Gems enabled owners to level up their babies. As the babies leveled up, they learned how to talk and eventually walk.

  • An interactive chat system was designed so that the babies would learn the words “mommy” and “daddy”.


  • We developed a website that enabled baby owners to add a partner to support them with their child.

  • The website offered a way to track baby possession, making sure no babies would go astray or be taken illegally.


  • We developed a third party affiliate system. Affiliates were able to create their own textures and sell them online.

  • We offered texture kits for 3D modelers. The kits allowed creators to model and sell custom baby furniture using Blender or Maya.

Gifting and ZCredits

  • We introduced a new form of virtual currency called ZCredits. This enabled customers to purchase gift cards for baby showers.

My role 

  • I conceptualized the baby product.

  • I hired and was in charge of a remote team of developers, animators, and 3D modelers. We had customer service personnel available 24/7.

  • I contributed to the modeling, texturing, and design of the baby. I was the UX Hud designer and worked closely with the software development team to determine functionality and ease of use.