Zooby Cat Life gave players the chance to role play as a Cat Avatar or own an NPC Animesh Cat.
NPC Cats roamed, used a litter box and slept without the need for user interaction.
As for Cat Avatars, players decided where they wanted to roam, when or if they should eat, when or if they wanted to sleep or use a litter box.
Happiness Care
Heads-up Displays (Huds) were used to monitor happiness for Cat Avatars. They had to complete certain tasks, such as eat, get brushed, interact with a human, play with toys, sleep, and use a litter box to get tokens. Tokens could be exchanged for cat toys.
Fur, Eyes and Animations
Each cat had a unique fur. Eye color and dilation were customizable. The Avatar Cats and Animesh Cats both had access to over fifty animations ranging from grooming to running, flying, resting, playing, and sleeping.
Cat Clothing and Kits
Zooby Cat Life offered various clothing items for sale, such as t-shirts, sweaters, hats, collars, and socks.
Zooby Cat Life sold cat clothing kits, enabling texture artists to design their own cat garments and sell them.
Gifting and ZCredits
A virtual currency was developed, called ZCredits. This enabled customers to buy gift cards for cats and related items.
My Role
I conceptualized the Zooby Cat Life game.
I hired and supervised a global team of developers, animators, and 3D modelers.
I was the creative director of the feline model and animations.
I was the UX designer of the Hud and advised and collaborated with developers on game mechanics.