In virtual worlds, shopping can be a hassle and take too long due to the need for real time, 3D graphics to load in crowded sims.
We devised CatTech, a service that included the product CatHud, a Heads-up Display (Hud) which held a virtual catalog and another product called CatVend, which allowed brands to set up virtual vendors on their sim.
CatTech service enabled both the CatHud (catalog) as well as CatVend (in world vendors) to sell identical items.
Users could teleport to a sim to buy a product from a vendor or they could purchase the identical product from a catalog without leaving their home.
Home Page
The homepage allowed companies to subscribe to CatTech services, and they were sent a Vendor Kit with a server they could put on their sim to store their items.
Product Listings
This page allowed brands to name their product, set a price, locate the item on the server, upload an image, create a description, select a category and offer keywords in search. In addition, product shares enabled two brands to collaborate and split sales.
Sales Events
Sales events allowed brands to put items on sale quickly and easily. Brands could make special filters for certain items that they wanted to discount or set a sale for an entire category.
Grouping products into categories made it easier for customers to find what they were looking for. Categories could also be used to categorize items for promotional sales.
CatVend - Networked Vending System
Customers had the option of accessing a 'User History' webpage for any vendor that carries a given brand. On this page, customers could redeliver any item they had previously bought.
My Role
I created the user interface design for both the in-game CatHud and the online CatTech website.
To ensure smooth operation, I collaborated closely with the chief developer on UX mechanics, basic operations and components.